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    Sustainable Fashion
    As a buzzword, "sustainability" dominated September's fashion weeks. From using recycled fabrics to declaring their runways carbon neutral, designers and brands reflected a growing demand among consumers for more than fashion.
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    It is chic to repeat!
    It is chic to repeat, is a snappy phrase that carries a semantic equal part playful and meaningful. Here is why. It is devoid of terrifying stats about human rights and climate change, that results from the use-and-throw clothes culture many of us have become habituated to. Yet, those words carry a nudge for behaviour change, delivered in a stylish light-hearted manner.
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    Ethical Fashion
    Ethical Fashion is an umbrella term to describe ethical fashion design, production, retail, and purchasing. It covers a range of issues such as working conditions, exploitation, fair trade, sustainable production, the environment, and animal welfare.
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    Definition Sustainable Fashion?!
    Sustainable fashion is a movement and process of fostering change to fashion products and the fashion system towards greater ecological integrity and social justice. Sustainable fashion concerns more than addressing fashion textiles or products. It comprises addressing the whole system of fashion. This means dealing with interdependent social, cultural, ecological and financial systems. It also means considering fashion from the perspective of many stakeholders - users and producers, all living species, contemporary and future dwellers on earth. Sustainable fashion therefore belongs to, and is the responsibility of citizens, public sector and private sector. A key example of the need for systems thinking in fashion is that the benefits of product-level initiatives, such as replacing one fiber type for a less environmentally harmful option is eaten up by increasing volumes of fashion products. An adjacent term to sustainable fashion is eco fashion.
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    What Is Sustainable Fashion?
    What is sustainable fashion? Here is a simple guide, for both, consumers and brands. We adore fashion. We truly do. But, as much as we love fashion, we also love our mother nature, people, animals, and everything that this planet has to offer. Let’s start with a fact about sustainable fashion! Truth be told, fashion cannot become absolutely sustainable. Why? Because the simple act of creating apparel consumes the planet little by little. Just like any other types of fashion, sustainable fashion also uses electricity and water. Similarly, as a buyer, you’re not that sustainable by merely washing your clothes. You use detergent which pollutes the environment – no matter how eco-friendly it is – water and electricity. So what’s the good part then? The achievement of sustainable fashion can be obtained in many, many ways. But first, we have to start by understanding what sustainable fashion means to the brands.